Best Reporting Tool

What are the measures of on-demand reporting quality

BIG DATA IS HERE TO STAY and with the backing of the best reporting tools and reporting software, give the best on-demand reports to all those who need information right then and there.

But what and how does the data and report become the best on-demand report? For that, the best reporting tools ought to have the following qualities (among others of course!):

  • Should be easy to understand even to a layperson

This, a rather lame and understand point is sometimes the least understood as in the report in themselves become so complicated with some many sections that the end-user gets absolutely confused, and in fact, even a bit intimidated to use the system. Reports till yesterday meant excel sheets with columns and rows which held information, and which someone from the making team explained to its end-users who could be the top management or owners of the organization. That was till the need itself was fairly simple. Today, the world “simple” itself has morphed into the “not so simple” which has made the lives of users rather complex. For this reason, the first thing that every user of the best reporting tool should get is use of understanding what is being told.

  • Should assist to further drill down and get more insights either with full or part of the information

Reporting software isn’t to be mistaken with excel print-outs. The former ought to be heavily interactive while the latter due to it’s format shall always remain static. And anything that does not change according to need, is no more in need today. The same goes for outputs of the best reporting tools! Data being shown in charts, figures and graphs themselves sometimes are the raw material for other reports. If the reporting software cannot give further drilling down capabilities, the use of such a reporting software would be severely restricted.

  • Should, to the extent possible give only objective information

Reporting software to the extent possible, give only objective and specific information and not generalized subjective information that requires further drilling and research. Most reporting software deal with humongous information which using the best available software is turned concise to give management just what they look for. By trying to include other manner of information which may not directly be related, the whole purpose of the software gets negated.

  • Should assist in self-service by users

To give an example, MS Excel has the facility of turning figures into pie-charts and graphs by simply pivoting the details. Every user of excel is aware of this facility and can use it to make effective charts for effective comparison. The best reporting software thus should have facilities which lets its users experiment and learn to use to their advantage so as to get the latest report on every aspect that they deem important.

  • Should give siloed, actionable information

A Reporting Software should have information in varied silos that deal with individual subjects and not as a generalized lot in which case its use goes down drastically. To that extent, use of AI & ML kind of systems come in handy greatly to classify information so that the outcome of the collated information is of the right use.

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