Manufacturing ERP Software India

Manufacturing ERP Modules and Their Impact On Productivity

Manufacturing ERP software India has been a great success for various reasons, the least being the uniformity it brings besides closing gaps through which productivity invariably fell steeply. That said, the world of software for manufacturing companies in India has undergone a sea-change with the arrival of the cloud and AI. Among others, some of the most visible impacts on productivity that ERPs have brought to the world of manufacturing include:

Increased productivity with uniformity, efficiency and economy

The biggest change that the Manufacturing ERP software in India has brought is that it has aligned every process to the central goal of the organization in ways that increase the productivity of the enterprise, be it on the shop-floor or in the offices among processes. Manufacturing as we all know is the sum total of things including procurements, logistics, storage, outward movement, production and the likes. To put them all together logically and in the process, closing inadvertent gaps is one of its biggest achievements. Gaps being closed means uniformity comes into the product and production process, and so too efficiency and economy. The last means doing more at lesser costs.

Reduced gaps between departments and activities

An example of gap in a manufacturing set-up is that of dealing with scrap in a steel/ iron processing unit. Some of it gets stolen and some just lie around rusting. In older plants with substantially lesser efficiencies, the issue of scrap can sometimes decide between profits and losses. In such a situation, the ERP helps accurately record input and output from a manufacturing system to get the exact figure of losses and help the manufacturer account for every gram of steel/ iron. In doing so, even if the balance is scrap, if accounted for, it can help reduce losses to a great extent. And doing so is possible ONLY with a centralized system like the ERP

More information in the hands of the management at all times to take course correction information

An ERP software for a manufacturing company in India gives its users information at their fingertips at all times instead of continually running around for information that could be available at the end of a lengthy process. With the addition these days of IoT and AI, machines are known to communicate between themselves and get the latest facts and figures in place. All this invariably means that managements of concerns that use ERP software for manufacturing can take actions to stem the tide besides making steep u turns for the better of an organization.

With SAAS, it’s gone to the level of the lowest and smallest manufacturers

Another addition, and a very positive and useful one is that of converting a Capex-heavy ERP to the SAAS model and making it Opex all the way. In doing so, ERP for manufacturing companies is no more about big concerns with deep pockets. These days, ERPs are being used extensively by the smallest producer and manufacturer and doing so all the advantages that till now was being reaped by larger concerns, are available to smaller ones.

With AI and machine learning, data generated by ERP systems helps create the exact picture of wants with the right predictions and trends

Data being central to AI, ERP for manufacturing is the favourite companion of the former in that it provides truck-loads of data that the latter uses to plot trends, predictions, preferences and reasons that result in decisions. With a manufacturing ERP software in place for a reasonable length of time, the manufacturer is better placed with the assistance of AI to know what users want, may want and likely changes in tastes and preferences. These could result in helping manufacturers pre-empt their clients into taking decisions that favour both and bring about higher sales and efficiencies.

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